YWCA Minneapolis Women's Tri | Triatlon în Minnesota 55417 (US), 11 august 2019

YWCA Minneapolis Women's Tri

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YWCA Minneapolis Women's Tri
Duminică, 11. August 2019
Lake Nokomis - Minneapolis, Minnesota 55417
Ramuri sportive:
Triatlon, Mini
Site-ul evenimentului:
YWCA Minneapolis Women's Tri


The YWCA Women’s Triathlon is the largest outdoor women-only tri in the country. More than 1,300 triathletes, aged 11-80, participate in this unique community event to celebrate the strength in all women.

Voted Minnesota’s Favorite Race of the Year in 2012 and 2017, we offer a welcoming experience for everyone. Triathletes can train and race together with friends, family, and colleagues in a “Buddy Group,” compete as a family team with their mother, daughter, sister, or life partner; and cross the finish line with loved ones in our “Friends & Family Finish Zone.” Over 35% of our athletes are first-timers, and returning athletes are eligible to compete for the coveted Toni St. Pierre “Most Improved” Award.

The YWCA Women’s Triathlon starts with a swim in popular Lake Nokomis, bikes the parkway roads along the bluffs of the Mississippi river and finishes with a run on the paths around Lake Nokomis. Two distance options include the Sprint (500yd swim/15.5mi bike/5K run) and the SuperSprint (200yd swim/7mi bike/1mi run).

Loc desfășurare eveniment

Lake Nokomis
Lake Nokomis
Minnesota 55417
United States

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