USA Climbing 2017 Bouldering Local | Alpinism în Virginia (US), 21 octombrie 2017

USA Climbing 2017 Bouldering Local

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USA Climbing 2017 Bouldering Local
Sâmbătă, 21. Octombrie 2017
Virginia Beach Rock Gym - Virginia Beach, Virginia
Ramuri sportive:
Alpinism, Bouldering
Site-ul evenimentului:
USA Climbing 2017 Bouldering Local


9:00 AM - Doors open for competitor check-in
9:45 AM - Rules Meeting/ QandA
(Redpoint format; section 5.4.4 of USA Climbing Rulebook)
10:00 AM - Climbing begins
12:30 PM - VBRG provides pizza for competitors
1:00 PM - Climbing ends and scoring is finalized, awards to follow
A current Acknowledgement of Risk form is required for all competitors and spectators. Save time and fill it out online! Please do not assume a previous year's form is still valid - they do expire!
Any competitor who is not a 2017-2018 season USA climbing member must purchase a USA Climbing day membership for $10 before the comp at Day-Member passes are single use and valid for 24 hours. They can be purchased as early as the Monday prior to the comp and no later than the start of the comp.
Parking is limited; please carpool if possible.
If you are pre-registered - you do not need to arrive right at 9:00.
Competitors will not be allowed on the boulders prior to the start of the competition.
Competition t-shirts are only guaranteed for competitors registered before 10/15!
Pizza will be provided for competitors at 12:30.
If pizza doesn't strike your fancy, there is a Subway restaurant four blocks away and many more restaurants within a mile of the gym.
Drinks and snacks, as well as other climbing gear, are available for purchase at the front desk.
Please allow VBRG staff to complete competitor check-in before you approach with non-urgent purchases - thanks!
The gym is not climate controlled, so please dress accordingly. (The temperature should be fantastic in mid-October, but you may want to bring a sweatshirt just in case!)
Pre-Registration: USD 40
Regular Registration: USD 50
Spectator Entry: USD 0
Time: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Venue details: Virginia Beach Rock Gym, 5049 Southern Boulevard Virginia Beach, VA 23462 United States

Loc desfășurare eveniment

Virginia Beach Rock Gym
Virginia Beach Rock Gym
Virginia Beach
United States

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