5th Annual Tacky Sweater 5k | Alergare în Virginia (US), 08 decembrie 2018

5th Annual Tacky Sweater 5k

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5th Annual Tacky Sweater 5k
Sâmbătă, 8. Decembrie 2018
1309 Raleigh Ave - Norfolk, Virginia
Ramuri sportive:
Cros, Alergare
Site-ul evenimentului:
5th Annual Tacky Sweater 5k



Come out and participate or volunteer* to be apart of the fun festive holiday event that features a 5K run and a 5K walk. Live, Love, & Run Tackyin support of EVMS Melanoma Awareness.

We have a great new course in store for you this year. The race will start and finish in front of Smartmouth Brewery in the Chelsea District of Norfolk. Much of the course will be along the scenic Elizabeth River Trail through scenic West Ghent, over the Mid-Town Tunnel, through Plum Point Park on the Elizabeth River and back to Smartmouth Brewery. All finishers receive a custom finisher medal.

The Tacky Sweater 5K raises money for EVMS Dermatology and the Dermatology Student Group. Our mission is to provide the highest level of dermatologic care to all, while fostering a culture of excellence in education, discovery, and service to our community.

Early packet pickup and opportunity to register on Friday, December 7th from 4PM to 7PM, at Smartmouth Brewing Company 1309 Raleigh Ave, Norfolk, VA 23507. Stick around for a festive party in Chelsea and a special visit by the Krampus parade.

Join in on our tacky sweater competition. The Tacky Sweater 5K also features a festive post-race party at Smartmouth with food, drinks, live entertainment, finisher medals, custom age group awards and more.

The race starts and finishes in front of Smartmouth Brewery and loops around West Ghent and Plum Point Park on the Elizabeth River Trail

All finishers receive a custom finisher medal. Awards are provided to top three overall male and female finishers as well as top three Male & Female in each age group for the 5k Run 12 and under, 13-15, 16-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70 and Over.  Top three male and female competitive walkers are also awarded. There are special prizes for top male and female Tacky Sweaters.  

All volunteers can opt to receive a letter documenting their community service hours.

Loc desfășurare eveniment

1309 Raleigh Ave
1309 Raleigh Ave
United States

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