Mountain RATS | Alergare în Mountain Region (US), 07 septembrie 2019

Mountain RATS

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Mountain RATS
Sâmbătă, 7. Septembrie 2019
Colorado, Mountain Region - Colorado, Mountain Region
Ramuri sportive:
Alergare, Alergare semimaraton, Alergare maraton, Trail Running, Ultra Maraton
Site-ul evenimentului:
Mountain RATS


Come celebrate fall in the mountains with a trail running challenge! An exciting day of festival fun and adventure on the trails near Eagle, Colorado. With the start/finish line right in the heart of Eagle’s new fall festival, Septemberfest, friends and family can enjoy themselves while you push yourself in the rugged mountain race. Afterwards, relax with a beer, hot meal, or just sit and listen to live music. Racers can choose from a Heavy Half, Marathon or 50K.
Held in conjunction is the Septemberfest 5K, a scenic, flat and fast course in Eagle, Colorado. All ages and abilities are welcome; you can walk, jog, run or race. Same start/finish as our Mountain RATS trail runs – invite your family and friends to enjoy some miles around town while you explore the trails. Proceeds help benefit SOS Outreach.  

Loc desfășurare eveniment

Colorado, Mountain Region
Colorado, Mountain Region
Mountain Region
United States

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