Iron Run | Alergare în Pennsylvania (US), 09 iunie 2018

Iron Run

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Iron Run
Sâmbătă, 9. Iunie 2018
1100 Pine Grove Rd - Cumberland County, Pennsylvania
Ramuri sportive:
Alergare semimaraton, Alergare
Site-ul evenimentului:
Iron Run


Iron Run half-marathon& Charcoal Challenge 5k run/walk
Saturday,June 9, 2018 at Pine Grove Furnace State Park, Pennsylvania 

Iron Run is the Friends of Pine Grove Furnace State Park’s annual fundraiser trail race, concurrent with the annual Charcoal Challenge 5k run/

The half-marathon trail run (not a hike) starts at 7:30 AM. The 5k run/walk starts at 8:30 AM. On-site registration & check-in opens at 6:30 AM.

Register via (see race weblinks for fees) or by mail. Course maps are unchanged from 2017.
Race Director: [email protected].

These two events highlight some of the best trails in and surrounding Pine Grove Furnace State Park and Michaux State Forest in southcentral PA. All proceeds benefit our State Park. Timing services will be by Pretzel City Sports.

Mountain weather is typically comfortably cool in the mornings but may reach the upper 80s late in the half-marathon. Rain showers are not typical but are possible.

We hope to see you in a few months at Pine Grove Furnace State Park!

Loc desfășurare eveniment

1100 Pine Grove Rd
1100 Pine Grove Rd
Cumberland County
United States

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