2018 Chocolate Tour | Ciclism și Alergare în Pennsylvania 17033 (US), 04 august 2018

2018 Chocolate Tour

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2018 Chocolate Tour
Sâmbătă, 4. August 2018
Milton Hershey School Athletic Complex - Hershey, Pennsylvania 17033
Ramuri sportive:
Șosea - Asfalt, Ciclism, Cros, Alergare
Site-ul evenimentului:
2018 Chocolate Tour


Join us for the Eighth Annual Chocolate Tour to support cancer
research at Penn State University. There is something for
everyone! Exciting events to choose from include The Chocolate
Tour 5K or 10K Walk, The Chocolate Tour 5K or 10K Run/Race
and The Briova Rx Chocolate Tour Cycling Events (10, 30, 50, 75
and 100 miles). With reststops every mile, runners and walkers
will enjoy local chocolate. Cyclists will enjoy rides through the
beautiful countryside of central Pennsylvania with its Amish
farms, wooded areas, and covered bridges while visiting areas
surrounding the local historic chocolate towns of Hershey (home
of Hershey’s chocolate factory), Elizabethtown (home of M&M/
Mars chocolate factory), and Lititz (home of Wilbur Chocolate
Company). Cyclists will taste local chocolate at the rest stops. ALL
participants will be provided with a meal at the end of their event.

Loc desfășurare eveniment

Milton Hershey School Athletic Complex
Milton Hershey School Athletic Complex
Pennsylvania 17033
United States

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