Resolution Run Edinburgh | Running in Scotland (GB), 03 March 2019

Resolution Run Edinburgh

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Resolution Run Edinburgh
Sunday, 3. March 2019
Cramond Village - Edinburgh, Scotland
Running, Short Race Run
Resolution Run Edinburgh


What's your resolution this year? If you're looking to shed a few pounds, aiming to be a bit healthier or just looking for something fun to do with friends, we can help.

Take part in a Resolution Run near you this spring. We have 34 events across the UK offering 5k, 10k and, in most places, 15k runs. Join thousands of people taking on their first 5k or challenging themselves to a longer distance.

We know a lot of people want to get fitter, eat healthier or get a new hobby around this time of year. A Resolution Run is the perfect goal to set yourself to help you keep that resolution. Whether you decide to run, jog or walk the route we'll support you every step of the way. We'll send you some helpful tips and advice to make sure you stay on track and cross that finish line.

Why run?
Not only will you be running in a great event, you'll also be helping to support stroke survivors across the UK.
A stroke is a brain attack. It happens when the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off. Without blood the brain cells can be damaged or die. This damage can have different effects depending on where it happens in the brain. A stroke can affect the way the body works as well as how you think, feel and communicate.

All strokes are different. For some people the effects may be relatively minor and may not last long. Others may be left with more serious problems that make them dependent on other people.

The money you raise will go to support stroke survivors. At the Stroke Association we work to prevent stroke, support everyone touched by stroke, fund research and campaign for the rights of stroke survivors of all ages.

40,000 people have already taken part!

Advance: GBP 15.0

Time: 10:30 am to 3:00 pm

Venue details: Cramond Foreshore, Cramond Village, Edinburgh, EH4 6NU, United Kingdom


Cramond Village
Cramond Village
United Kingdom

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