Breathe Deep South Lyon - Walk and 5K Fun Run | Alergare în Michigan (US), 02 iunie 2018

Breathe Deep South Lyon - Walk and 5K Fun Run

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Breathe Deep South Lyon - Walk and 5K Fun Run
Sâmbătă, 2. Iunie 2018
McHattie Park - Oakland County, Michigan
Ramuri sportive:
Cros, Alergare
Site-ul evenimentului:
Breathe Deep South Lyon - Walk and 5K Fun Run


Breathe Deep South Lyon is a grassroots event led by Gina Bono in memory of her husband, Joe Bono, who passed away from lung cancer in March of 2012. When Joe was diagnosed in 2003, he was given a 15% chance to live 5 years. Because of his tireless efforts to get the best treatments and enroll in various clinical trials, Joe extended his life and beat the odds.

Team Joe Bono was established in 2012 and has committed to annually doing its part to raise funds and awareness for lung cancer research. Effective early detection and treatment will save other families from what the Bono family experienced.

100% of the proceeds from the event will go to LUNGevity Foundation for lung cancer research, education, and support. Please join us in helping improve the survivorship of lung cancer ... for all our families!


Adult Registration: USD 25.0,

Lung Cancer Survivor Registration: USD 0.0,

Senior (60+) Registration: USD 15.0,

Student Registration: USD 15.0,

Youth (5-13) Registration: USD 10.0,

Child (Under 5) Registration: USD 0.0,

Satellite Participant Registration: USD 25.0

Category: Fundraisers | Charities

Time: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Loc desfășurare eveniment

McHattie Park
McHattie Park
Oakland County
United States

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