Black Spur Ultra | Alergare în British Columbia (CA), 23 august 2025

Black Spur Ultra

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Black Spur Ultra
Sâmbătă, 23. August 2025 - Duminică, 24. August 2025
Kimberley, British Columbia - Kimberley, British Columbia
Ramuri sportive:
Trail Running, Alergare, Ultra Maraton
Site-ul evenimentului:
Black Spur Ultra


Black Spur Ultra (BSU) is wrought from the winding, technical single track that trail runners dream about. No pavement, big climbs through rugged terrain, immaculate trails, and stunning scenery. Hosted at Kimberley Alpine Resort, you can walk to the start line right from your hotel room. Kimberley is a secluded gem nestled between the Purcell and Rocky mountains. With an extensive network of single and double track trails accessible right from the edge of town, Kimberley is a natural choice for a mountain ultra. The community is genuinely friendly and welcoming, with a spirit that embraces outdoor adventure.

BSU has 108-km and 54-km distance options. You can solo either distance or run on a team. The 54-km is open to team of 2 to 3 people and the 108-km is open to teams of 2 to 6 people. The 54-km consists of 3 legs which all start and end at Kimberley Alpine Resort which makes it super easy for your support crew to assist you. The 108-km consists of two rounds of the 54-km loop.

As of 2023, we have a Kids' Race that is ~3km in length. This is a great option to get the kids involved while they're waiting to cheer on their family and friends. The kids get to experience the same start and finish as the adults and are able to hear the cheering crowds for the majority of their run.

Loc desfășurare eveniment

Kimberley, British Columbia
Kimberley, British Columbia
British Columbia

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