Big Turkey Burn 5k Turkey Trot & Children’s Run | Alergare în Virginia 23185 (US), 22 noiembrie 2018

Big Turkey Burn 5k Turkey Trot & Children’s Run

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Big Turkey Burn 5k Turkey Trot & Children’s Run
Joi, 22. Noiembrie 2018
Jamestown Event Beach Park - Williamsburg, Virginia 23185
Ramuri sportive:
Cros, Alergare
Site-ul evenimentului:
Big Turkey Burn 5k Turkey Trot & Children’s Run



Come out and participate or volunteer to be apart of Mettle Events Annual Thanksgiving Day 5K for in, New Town in Williamsburg, VA. After numerous successful years in Down Town and a successful couple of years in New Town, we're thrilled to be working with the many great merchants in New Town to expand upon our holiday tradition that provides all that you've come to expect from a Mettle Events race; a great fitness and family-oriented (stroller & dog friendly) event with something for everyone. We'll have great T-shirts, finisher medals, local food and entertainment.

Awards ceremony will start at 10:00am located in NEW TOWN. Enjoy great post-race refreshments. Stick around for great awards.

Awards: 5K age groups as follows top three Male & Female Overall, Top three Male & Female Walkers and Top three Male & Female in each age group will receive an award.11 and Under, 12-15, 16-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70 and over.

All volunteers can opt to receive a letter documenting their community service hours.


Loc desfășurare eveniment

Jamestown Event Beach Park
Jamestown Event Beach Park
Virginia 23185
United States

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