2nd Annual Forest Frenzy Winter Triathlon | Triatlon în Wisconsin 54512 (US), 16 februarie 2019

2nd Annual Forest Frenzy Winter Triathlon

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2nd Annual Forest Frenzy Winter Triathlon
Sâmbătă, 16. Februarie 2019
Camp Manito-wish Leadership Center - Boulder Junction, Wisconsin 54512
Ramuri sportive:
Triatlon, Offroad - Xterra
Site-ul evenimentului:
2nd Annual Forest Frenzy Winter Triathlon


Boulder Junction is proud to be a premier destination for winter silent sports enthusiasts and we are excited to bring to you our 2nd Annual Forest Frenzy Winter Triathlon, the only outdoor winter triathlon of its kind in the state of Wisconsin.

Forest Frenzy is staged at historic Camp Manito-wish YMCA with race headquarters at the Manito-wish Leadership Center, a beautiful Northwoods lodge with fireplace overlooking Boulder Lake.

This fun challenging wilderness endurance event features a 7.5-kilometer cross-country ski (classic or skate) course, 5-kilometer snowshoe loop and 7.5-kilometer fat tire bike course all tucked in the woods of the Northern Highland-American Legion State Forest.

Forest Frenzy courses are not your typical winter races trails. These trails are tucked in the tall trees beginning at Camp Manito-wish YMCA and leading into the Northern Highland-American Legion State Forest. We have widened existing trails to accommodate the race. You will find that this is a challenging wilderness endurance event with some tight turns and narrow areas. Some of the course does cross other public use trails.

Loc desfășurare eveniment

Camp Manito-wish Leadership Center
Camp Manito-wish Leadership Center
Boulder Junction
Wisconsin 54512
United States

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