Broad Street Hilltown 5K Race and 1 Mile Fun Run | Running in Pennsylvania (US), 07 August 2019

Broad Street Hilltown 5K Race and 1 Mile Fun Run

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Broad Street Hilltown 5K Race and 1 Mile Fun Run
Wednesday, 7. August 2019
Hilltown Pike - Bucks County, Pennsylvania
Running, Short Race Run
Broad Street Hilltown 5K Race and 1 Mile Fun Run


Organized by Hilltown Knights of Columbu  **  STROLLER FRIENDLY AND DOG FRIENDLY!


5K Food Drive:  Please bring dry/canned foods with you for donation to the Pennridge FISH Food Bank


New for 2019!  5K is Grand Finale of the Cricket Wireless Spring and Summer Points Series!  5K Chip-timed with instant results by SpectaSport



First-Place Overall Male and Female

Gender-specific Age Groups: 1-12, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69 and 70+

Please note: All 5K finishers are timed, but you must finish within 40 minutes in order to participate in the awards ceremony 


Race Day Schedule:

5:30pm: packet pick-up and new runner registration commences

7:00pm: 1-mile fun run (targeted for kids < 12 year old) starts

7:20pm: 1-mile fun run awards (top 3 boy and girls)

7:30pm: 5K race starts

8:15pm: 5K race awards ceremony

8:30pm: event end


Free Race Shirt Guaranteed for all entries received by midnight on July 30, 2019! (Youth Sizes Available)



5K Adult: $25 (increases to $30 after July 30)

5K Youth (12 years old and younger): $15 (increases to $20 after July 30) 

1 Mile Fun Run (all ages): $15 (increases to $20 after July 30)

"Family Group Option" (4 to 7 members of same household registered on same transaction ): $80 (increases to $100 after July 30). 





5K Adult by July 30: USD 25.0,

5K Adult after July 30: USD 30.0,

5K Youth (12 years and younger) by July 30: USD 15.0,

5K Youth (12 years and younger) after July 30: USD 20.0,

1-Mile Fun Run (all ages) by July 30: USD 15.0,

1-Mile Fun Run (all ages) after July 30: USD 20.0,

Family Price (4-7 family members) by July 30: USD 80.0,

Family Price (4-7 family members) after July 30: USD 100.0


Artists / Speakers: SpectaSport


Venue Details: Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church, 100 Broad Street, Hilltown, 18927, United States


Hilltown Pike
Hilltown Pike
Bucks County
United States

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