RO: S24H este o cursa de ultramaraton care se desfășoară in Parcul Copiilor "Ion Creanga" din Timișoara si care in anul 2020 ofera patru probe:
- individual 24 de ore,
- individual 12 ore,
- individual 6 ore,
- stafeta 12 ore.
Pentru fiecare din cele patru probe, castigator va fi declarat alergatorul care va parcurge distanta cea mai mare in numarul de ore alocat fiecarei probe. Concursul are loc pe un traseu circular de 1236 m, pe astfalt, pe plat (diferenta de nivel pentru o bucla este de aproximativ 4 metri).
EN: Run in Timisoara, Romania – the Cultural Capital of 2023 in Europe.
We’re organizing the S24H race since 2016 and are we where glad to host a field of many international athletes. In 2018 we where also the host of the IAU 24-hour European Championships that turned out to be a big success
Things we provide:
– Airport transfer
– Pasta Party @ NH Hotel
– Start kit with race bib& chip, event T-Shirt and items from sponsors.
– refreshment table with fruits, sweets, crackers, isotonic, water, cola
– place in a tent for all participants, bench and table included
– finisher medal
– winner ceremony with podium for OPEN race and age CATEGORY .
Sign up, you won’t regret.
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