Chilterns Winter 10K | Alergare în Hertfordshire (GB), 06 decembrie 2020

Chilterns Winter 10K

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Chilterns Winter 10K
Duminică, 6. Decembrie 2020
Tring Park - Tring, Hertfordshire
Ramuri sportive:
Alergare, Cros
Site-ul evenimentului:
Chilterns Winter 10K


This is a great 10k to complete before the Christmas season starts! Step onto great trails and escape urban life. We follow some great paths which take in the hills and woodlands of the Chilterns, all led by local expert trail running guides. Along the way we incorporate fun downhill paths banked by trees and head through a nature reserve to where we hope to see wildlife including local deer. As with all our events we want you to learn about the wild as well as become a better runner, so we are on hand to offer technical guidance.


The run will start in Tring. At the end of the run, there is a great coffee shop within walking distance to pick up a post run refreshment or mince pie! The event is easily accessible by rail or road.


All abilities are catered for, so whether you are a new to trail running, just looking to get some miles in an inspiring location, or smash out trails like a pro, you're in good hands. As with all Run the Wild events, it's a team event so you will be grouped with similar ability runners and led by one of our experienced Run Leaders who knows the route and will set the pace for you. We walk anything too steep and it's a good opportunity to get some trail running tips from our leaders along the way as well as meet other trail runners.

Loc desfășurare eveniment

Tring Park
Tring Park
United Kingdom

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